2025 Commencement Schedule of Events

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MAY 10


Huntingdon College Green
(Graduates should arrive by 4:00 p.m. 由于毕业典礼计划在户外举行,因此对出席人数没有限制. 如果决定限制每个学生允许的客人数量和/或要求戴口罩参加毕业典礼, the website will be updated accordingly.

Inclement Weather Plans


MAY 10


Catherine Dixon Roland Student Center
(Graduates should arrive by 4:00 p.m. 在罗兰竞技场举行毕业典礼的嘉宾人数没有限制. 如果决定限制每个学生允许的客人数量和/或要求戴口罩参加毕业典礼, the website will be updated accordingly.

毕业摄影组很高兴成为你们毕业典礼的官方摄影师! We will be at Huntingdon

College’s Graduation Ceremony on May 10, 2025.

We will take pictures of every graduate at the ceremony. There is NO FEE for this service and NO OBLIGATION TO ORDER. 免费校样将于典礼后约一周以邮寄或电邮方式寄出.

为确保The Grad Team拥有正确的地址信息,请在线注册. Registration for proofs must be completed prior to graduation day. Multiple e-mail and mailing addresses may be registered.

Just go to http://thegradteam.com/huntingdon/ to register.


The College’s Commencement will be held at 6:00 p.m. Saturday, May 10th, 2025 on the Green (in case of inclement weather, 颁奖典礼将在学院的凯瑟琳狄克逊罗兰学生中心举行). If you decide not to participate in the Commencement ceremony, you need to contact the Office of the Registrar as soon as possible.

In Narrow Lane, Smith, or Wilson parking lots. Campus Map

Yes. All degree candidates, except those excused from Commencement exercises, are required to meet for practice on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. in Flowers Hall Ligon Chapel.

学员必须在下午4点前到达并入座,穿戴毕业礼服,包括毕业帽, gown, hood, and tassel.


毕业典礼是纪念重要教育成就的隆重场合. 参加毕业典礼需要戴帽子、长袍、流苏和兜帽. 毕业的学生可以自己选择戴绳子和披肩, including, but not limited to Greek stoles and academic honors. Commencement is a formal event. Improper attire, 标志和徽章将由教务长办公室/首席学术官办公室监督,并可能被移除. 建议尽量减少额外的绳索和窃听器,以及帽子装饰.

毕业礼服是黑色的,这意味着你可以穿任何你想穿的颜色. Because your neck and feet will show, we ask men to wear ties and men and women to wear “dress” shoes. 当你挑选服装时,要记住毕业典礼是在室外的绿地上举行的. Shoe selection is very important for your comfort.

参加毕业典礼需要戴帽子、长袍、流苏和兜帽. All orders should be placed online by March 10 at herff.ly/hc – The Scarlet and Gray Shop (334-833-4482) should be contacted if you miss the deadline.

毕业通知和邀请函可以从任何你选择的印刷公司订购. 然而,十大菠菜靠谱平台大学书店与赫弗·琼斯书店合作. All orders should be placed online by March 10 at herff.ly/hc.

We receive many requests for special accommodations each graduation and, unfortunately, we can’t make reservations for seating. Families and friends of graduates are welcome to arrive at 4:00 p.m. and “hold” their seats by occupying the chairs. 不允许用绳子或其他材料挡住座位,学院将予以取消.

We plan to webcast the Commencement ceremony. 链接将在本页的开头提供,以便您与无法参加的家人和朋友分享. 

The Grad Team takes photos of each graduate as they receive their diploma. Families will have an opportunity to view and purchase these photos later.

关于谁将被授予毕业荣誉的决定直到毕业典礼的前一天才会做出. The distinction is announced as the student marches across the stage, and both the diploma and transcript make special note of the honor. There is no additional regalia for students who graduate with honors.

请注意,候选人的游行队伍大约有500码长,需要走下台阶. (For inclement weather walking down and climbing stairs is required.) If you do not believe you will be able to march in the full procession, 或者你的客人是否需要在毕业典礼当天要求合理的服务或住宿, email registrar@hawks.shadleysoapstone.com as soon as possible. 


如果你已经获得了联邦教育补助金或在联邦斯塔福德贷款计划或联邦珀金斯贷款计划下借款, you must complete an exit interview before being cleared for graduation. These can be done online at http://studentaid.gov (for Federal Stafford/Direct Loans), http://heartland.ecsi.net (for Federal Perkins Loans) and http://studentaid.gov/ (for Federal TEACH grant). 如果您需要帮助,请致电(334)833-4428与学生金融服务办公室联系. 如果你在本科学习期间申请了学生贷款,并计划就读研究生院, 一定要联系你的贷款人,要求在校延期还款,直到毕业后再还款.

Please visit http://studentaid.gov. This website contains your loan information including your Lender, Servicer, Guarantee agency, interest rates, accumulated interest and balances. 请注意,十大菠菜靠谱平台不保留学生援助中心提供的信息.gov. Therefore, please refer to the website to gather data about your loans.

To have a transcript released, 所有财务义务必须与学生金融服务办公室解决, and you cannot be defaulted on your student loans. 如需查询或付款,请致电学生金融服务办公室 (334) 833-4428, email sfs@hawks.shadleysoapstone.com, or visit the office in Wilson 108.

For Summer 2024, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025 graduates, 注册办公室将在毕业后一周使用USPS认证的退货收据将您的文凭邮寄到毕业申请中显示的地址(如果它与我们记录的当前地址匹配)。.

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